Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New post - more pics :)

Judging by the fact that we only have one comment, most of our friends either did not like the photos, or are too shy to leave a comment. Come on, we want your praise, we worked very hard that day posing for the camera and now enjoy harvesting the devidends =)

Jokes aside, we are very grateful for all the kind words about us and the wedding pictures. Thank you, guys. To those of you who have hard time reading my ramblings in English I want to say that they would be even worse in Spanish, so you will have to bear with me:)

Here are some more pictures, in fact we have enough to be posting for a year, but in order to keep you happy and entertained we are going on a honeymoon to Sri Lanka in less then a month, so there will be plenty to write about then. But for now...


  1. Oh my goodness, I thought the pictures couldn't get any better but they are all so wonderful!! I love you guys so much. This helps me imagine what a wonderfully exciting wedding day you had. Miss you and keep the updates coming:)

  2. Hi Vanya! We just got your link from Kirby and Miriam. What beautiful pictures and what a beautiful girl you married! I wish we could have met her. We hope married life is treating you well. Take care!
    All our love,
    Terry, Tara and Emma
